November 5 at 10 AM EST

Webinar: Inclusive Transportation Planning with
Map-based Engagement

Community Engagement Trends

The New Maptionnaire Community Engagement Platform — Introducing the Three Essential Modules

October 14, 2020
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 Maptionnaire has pioneered the use of maps in surveys. Through the past nine years, we’ve served over 300 clients  – including cities, consultancies and research organizations –  from all over the world. Using this valuable knowledge of our clients’ needs, we’ve developed a new, improved version of Maptionnaire. The new Maptionnaire Community Engagement Platform contains everything that was good about the old version but with improved and expanded features and possibilities! 

In this blog post, we’ll explain in detail what you can do with our three new modules: Design, Collect & Analyze, Gamified Decision Making, and Webpage Builder.

You can also watch a recording of the webinar where Maptionnaire Team presents the new platform.

What Are the New Modules and What Can You Do with Them?

The new Maptionnaire Community Engagement Platform is a modular service: all the modules can be used in different phases of the engagement process to serve a certain purpose or goal you have for participation. To put it in other words, each module contains different features, and based on your needs for community engagement, you can select which modules you want (and need) to get.

Keep on reading to learn more about the three essential modules which will already get you quite far with your community engagement.

New Maptionnaire Module: Design, Collect & Analyze                     

Example - Map-based questionnaire.png

This module has basically everything that was included in the previous version of Maptionnaire, but this time improved and expanded. The Design, Collect & Analyze module is “the core” of Maptionnaire. It allows you to design map-based questionnaires, polls, votes, surveys, and image-based surveys. It doesn’t require a separate app download for respondents: Maptionnaire is browser based and mobile responsive. The answers left by respondents can be easily analyzed and visualized with the inbuilt analysis tool.

What it enables you to do:

  • Use a wide variety of questions elements: map a point/line/area (polygon), multiple choice questions (choose one, choose multiple, grid, poll), number and range questions, slider questions, upload a file (voice message, image, document, video…), open question, single checkbox
  • Create map pop-ups and features, page jumps and location zooms for an advanced user experience
  • Utilize pre-loaded maps available in the tool (OpenStreetMap)
  • Use your own maps for creating a questionnaire you need (supported formats include WMS, WFS, XYZ, shapefile, GeoJSON, Mapbox)
  • Customize the visual content of each survey page by using images as backgrounds, in the text, and as answer options
  • Overcome language and literacy barriers: images can be used as answer options, and respondents can leave voice messages and upload image files
  • Analyze your results easily with an inbuilt analysis tools 
  • Get acquainted with the software quickly through a simplified workspace with accompanying instructions for each setting and element
  • Collaborate on surveys and pages as the new service allows several people to hold editing rights
  • Get your survey translated easily with the inbuilt translation tool that allows you to view original text and translated text side by side. You can also outsource translations by granting translators access only to the materials you want
  • Export your data if needed (response data available in XLS format, geodata in WKT)

Here’s an example of a map-based questionnaire and a voting example.

New Maptionnaire Module: Gamified Decision Making

Maptionnaire Gamified Decision Making example.png

Let the people decide how resources are spent! By using this module, you can ask respondents to allocate the available resources (e.g. budget, co2 emissions, human resources…) and place them on a map. The Gamified Decision Making module supports co-creation, allowing citizens to engage with all the options and trade-offs in planning decisions. You can thus ensure that your budget and plans reflect the opinions of citizens.

What it enables you to do:

  • Design your participatory budgeting application without coding skills 
  • Create quick analyses of how people would like to allocate resources
  • Allows respondents to allocate resources in a simple multiple-choice format (budgeting tool)
  • Combine allocating resources with the map feature, i.e. requiring respondents to also place their responses on a map (geo-budgeting tool)
  • Create a survey that looks the way you want by customizing the visual and textual content

See an example of a participatory budgeting survey.

New Maptionnaire Module: Webpage Builder        

Maptionnaire Webpage Builder example.png

Citizen engagement isn’t just about asking questions; it’s also about providing information in an accessible way. The complexity of cities’ communication needs makes it often difficult for ordinary citizens to navigate their extensive websites. The Webpage Builder makes it easier to get your message across to residents and gather information about different engagement projects and initiatives under one domain.

What it enables you to do:

  • Create a one-stop destination for all your citizen engagement activities. All your “project” pages are collected on a single front page to make it easy for respondents to find them
  • Provide real-time information on all your ongoing projects and the events and deadlines related to them
  • Collect more responses by directing traffic to surveys
  • Add a commenting function, tags, and social media sharing buttons to gather more feedback and to gain greater visibility
  • No coding skills required. Editing happens through simple click-and-dragging
  • Publish and revise content when needed with just a couple of clicks
  • Design your content with drag-and-drop elements such as titles, text boxes, spacers, images, embedded videos and links, embedded survey links, timeline and discussion functions
  • Import your organization’s logos and color palettes to make the webpages adhere to your brand guidelines
  • Embed websites using iframe* (*a small development fee applies)

Here’s an example of a webpage built with the Webpage builder and an idea of what your community engagement front page could look like.

These three modules, Design, Collect & Analyze, Gamified Decision Making, and Webpage Builder, allow you to get pretty far with your engagement efforts, we’d say. However, the Maptionnaire Community Engagement Platform also includes additional modules for those looking for something a bit (or a lot) more. Take a look at our product page to discover more.

You can book a demo with us or watch a series of 30-minute webinars about these three modules to learn more!

Fill in the form to arrange a demo with Maptionnaire Team.
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